Let's get Lost

by John McGeorge (in spite of the assistance of Maurice Copus)


The Boy................................................Muscles Perkins
The Girl.................................................Bubbles McGuinness
The Men...............................................Ernie Carroll
                                                            Freddie Clifton
                                                            Eddie Chatterley
                                                            Ted Charnley
                                                            Charlie Marquardt
                                                            Tubby Harpwood
                                                            Sandy Lovett
                                                            Jim Speake
                                                            Ernie Mack
                                                            John Harding
                                                            Cam Grinter
                                                            Ken Willmott
                                                           Members of the Stalag Male Voice Chorus
The Ladies...........................................Sid Lewis
                                                           Danny George
                                                           Jock Arbuckle
                                                           Miss 'X'?

The Empire Theatre Orchestra directed by Fritz Southworth
At the Piano                                          Maurice Copus & Jack Young
Orchestrations and Arrangements by      Ken Willmott & Tim Saward

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