
These are pictures of some of the items related to Stalag 18A which I have received.


1. Taken Prisoner
2. Medical Treatment
3. Artwork
4. The Written Word
5. Entertainment
6. The Red Cross
7. Repatriation
8. Final Days

1. Taken Prisoner

Posted Missing Letter: This letter was received by the wife of Driver Maurice Robinson, RASC, on 18 July 1941, almost three months after he was reported 'missing' on 28 April 1941.
Notification from The New Zealand Red Cross that Gnr William Fountain, 2NZEF was a POW in Greece.
Notification dated 3 October 1941 from the New Zealand Military Forces that Pte David O'Connor, 2NZEF was a POW in Stalag XVIIIA.
A letter sent from the Regimental Pay Office to the wife of Spr Jim Sanderson, RE, informing her of the allowances available.
A postcard sent by Gnr Ian Houston, RA, in May 1941 from a POW holding camp in Greece (probably Salonika), to his mother, informing her that he was a Prisoner of War.
A postcard sent by Cpl Patrick Fury, 8th Hussars, in 1941, indicating that he was a Prisoner of War.
nataldailynews.jpg (91975 bytes) A clipping from the Natal Daily News showing the photographs of several Servicemen from Natal who had been captured or wounded. It includes the picture of Gunner Douglas Hill who ended up in Stalag 18A.
POW Identity plate of CSM F.W. McLaren, RE.
POW Identity plate of Pte David Hooker, R Sussex.
Red Cross Letter: Sent to the wife of Trooper David Fulton of 4th Queens Own Hussars on 9 July 1941, noting that he was missing in action and asking for personal details so that the Red Cross could trace his location.
POW Record Card: The Record Card of Signalman Jack Newport of the Royal Corps of Signals. At the time that this card was completed,  he was located in Stalag XVIIID at Marburg.
POW Record Card of Gnr Herbert Goodchild, RA, from Stalag XVIIIA.
POWs were issued with 'Lagergeld', a currency to be used in the camps to buy small items. This is a 2 Mark note brought back by Roy Kingsley of the 2/4 Inf. Bn., AIF.
A Ration Card for soap issued in August 1941 to Sgt William Francis, RA.
The ID Card of Pte Leslie Bullard, 2/6 Inf. Bn., from Australia, issued from Work Camp 924/GW at Niklasdorf.
The Lager Pass from Stalag XVIIIA of L/Cpl Bill Jardine, 4th Hussars.
The Lager Pass from Work Camp 11017/GW of Pte Robert Heares, 24 Bn., 2NZEF
A Travel Warrant brought back by French POW Charles Moreau, 506eme Rgt de Chars de Combat (Tank Rgt)
A Travel Pass for the Graz Tramway Company, issued to Pte Walter Betts, 2/2 Fld. Wkshps, AIF. It covers the period either side of the end of the war.
S/Sgt Eugene Schwerdtfeger was a Gunner on a B24 bomber, shot down over Italy in October 1944. He ended up in Stalag 18C. This is his POW Identity Card.
In late 1943, the Italians ceased fighting and many Italian servicemen ended up as POWs of the Germans. This is the ID card of 2nd Capt Angelo Pini, Italian Marines.

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2. Medical Treatment

A Medical Chart from a POW hospital for Gnr William Fountain, 2NZEF following an appendix operation.
An Eye Test Form for S/Sgt Percy Green, 22 Bn., 2NZEF, carried out at Stalag 18A/Z in 1943.
A bill for 3 Reichsmarks for a tooth extraction given to Dvr William Campbell, RASC by an Austrian dentist.
A Discharge Certificate from Stalag 18A Hospital for Gnr William Fountain, 2NZEF, sending him back to Work Camp 13048/L. Unfortunately, the Doctor's diagnosis is unreadable but according to the Certificate, he recovered!
A chest X-ray of 2nd Capt Angelo Pini, Italian Marines, taken whilst a POW in Stalag 18A.

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3. Artwork

A watercolour created by Lt Karel Ballaux, Belgian Infantry, showing Wolfsberg Castle and church as seen from inside Stalag 18A. At this time (1940) the lager was designated Oflag 18B. It became Stalag 18A in 1941.
This picture was sent to me by Bill Godwin-Toby, an ex-patriate Canadian working in Austria. While he was staying in a small hotel near Graz in Austria, he noticed this cushion in the lounge. The owners of the hotel had no knowledge of its origins. Presumably it was made by a POW in Stalag 18A.
badge.jpg (89547 bytes) 4th Hussars badge drawn by Corporal Pat Fury.
The interior and exterior of a hand-engraved cigarette case brought back by Pte John Leonard, DLI. The regimental crest is for the Royal Army Service Corps, so John must have obtained it from another POW.
glass20licence.jpg (49132 bytes) This imposing document is, in fact, the cover for a Driving Licence, brought back by Sapper Alan Glass, Royal Engineers.
The cover of a photo album brought back by Spr P.J.W. (Lofty) Elford. The title translates as 'My Military Career'. (supplied by his nephew Phil Harrison)
drawing.jpg (68719 bytes) A portrait in ink of William Ion (Work Camp 924/GW), created in July 1942 by J Ward, another POW.
portrait.jpg (87785 bytes) A portrait of Corporal Pat Fury, 4th Hussars drawn by A Duggan, POW 1090 at a Work Camp in Flachau.
A sketch of Spr Dennis Parkinson, RE drawn by Eric Bardsley, POW 1037.
Self-portrait in 1944 by Signalman Eric Bardsley, Royal Corps of Signals.
Birthday Card.jpg (68309 bytes) A birthday card created by Corporal Pat Fury and sent to his wife and daughter.
A drawing brought back by Pte John Spence, 2/4 Inf. Bn., AIF.
A wry cartoon brought back by Tpr Frank Kenyon, RAC.
A small box made by Pte Robert Ragg, 2/6 Inf. Bn., from Victoria, Australia.
A mat for playing the game of Crown and Anchor, created by POWs in Stalag 18A. Over 300 POWs have written their names on the mat. The original is now on display in the Australian War Memorial.
lavamund42front.jpg (63280 bytes) A Christmas card created in 1942 from the Greeting Card inserted with a Red Cross Parcel.
lavamund42back.jpg (71493 bytes) The reverse of the above card showing the names and POW numbers of the members of Room 1/6, Lavamund Work Camp.
A Christmas card sent in 1943 by Gnr John Braysher, RA. The original was drawn by POW Thomas Burke in Stalag XXA and printed by the POW newspaper 'The Camp'.
stockfeld01.jpg (43765 bytes) A sketch of Spittal-an-der-Drau drawn by Sgt Maj Allan Stockfeld, AIF, drawn during his short stay in Stalag 18B before being transferred to Stalag 383 at Hohenfels.
During his time as a POW, Austen Deans of New Zealand managed to paint several watercolours. This view of the paper mill near Pöls, where he worked,  is the only one which he could bring home. The rest were lost at the end of the war.
Postcard of Graz brought back by Pte John McWilliams, 2/28 Inf. Bn.. AIF.
Nina1.jpg (49357 bytes) One of these two young girls is Nina, a Russian slave worker. The picture was taken in October 1944 by Pte Sidney Quick, 2/43 Inf. Bn.
Christmas1944.jpg (59137 bytes) An darkly ironic Christmas card from 1944 'celebrating' the bombing raid on Stalag 18A by the USAF on 18th December 1944.

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4. The Written Word

feldpost.jpg (21806 bytes) The front cover of a  letter written on a 'Feldpost' form by Pte Donald Fetter to his mother in Norwood, New York, USA.
The front cover of a letter sent by Sgt Reginald Dexter, RA to his wife on 31st December, 1944. The text can be found here.
Tom Donaldson, Corporal in 18 Bn. 2NZEF, was Man of Confidence at Work Camp 100L. These are two postcards he received from other camps as part of his duties.
The reverse of the above postcards.
Meyers4.JPG (154929 bytes) The Service Record of Alfred Meyers which records his movements from Sydney to England, North Africa and Greece and then to Stalag 18A. He was posted as 'Killed in Action' in May 1941.
foodlist.jpg (114523 bytes) These two pages are from a diary created out of Izal toilet paper (I always knew that stuff was tough!)by Charles Thompson, Royal Artillery. They list the contents of successive Red Cross parcels.
The inscription inside a Small Missal given to Sgt Charles Garvey, RE, by Father Paul Juneau, the Roman Catholic Priest in Stalag 18A.
A copy of a telegram sent by the Red Cross to Dvr Charles Bantick, RASC, in March 1944 informing him that his wife had died and that his two children were being cared for by his sisters. Dvr Bantick had not known that his wife was ill.
Whilst still a POW, Dvr Edward Dumbrell, R Sigs, was given the news that his brother, sister and niece had been killed in the Blitz. Via the Red Cross, he was able to send a telegram to his mother in London.
The British & Commonwealth POWs in Stalag 18A printed a newsletter, POW WOW. This is the first edition, printed in December 1941. It was brought home by L/Bdr Tom Watson, Northumberland Hussars.
The French POWs in Stalag 18A produced a newsheet, 'L'Echo'. This edition lists the French and Belgian POWs killed in the air-raid of 18th December 1944.
Escapenotes.jpg (98763 bytes) A notebook kept by Fred Wilson of 2/32 Infantry Battalion, Australia outlining his movements from his capture at El Alamein in 1942, through Italy and Austria and then home via Hungary, Romania, Russia, Italy and the UK.
A photo sent to Dvr Fred Balls, RASC of his daughter and her dog.
An ode to food, written by Sgmn Norman Perry, R. Sigs. After the war, it would be recited before meals by his friend, Pte Joe Wishart, 2/6 Inf. Bn. AIF.

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5. Entertainment

Pantoprograminside.jpg (63697 bytes) The Program of a Pantomime ('Babes in the Wood') presented on Christmas Day, 1941.
A Volley Ball medal awarded to a French POW in Stalag 18A in 1942.
Progout.jpg (50007 bytes) The program for the Panto 'Robin Hood' put on at Niklasdorf Work Camp at Christmas, 1943.
A Diploma presented to Ken Childs as Manager of Rangers FC, Shield Finalists, November 1944.
smithpat03.jpg (211699 bytes) A Cinema program brought back by Dvr John Wolstenholme, RASC.
Pte Tom Burke of the Devonshire Regiment brough back this banjo-ukelele which has been signed by the other POWs in his Work Camp (probably 320/L)
Sheet music written by Sapper Charles Rayner of New Zealand whilst a POW.

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6. The Red Cross

glass08.jpg (65604 bytes) The cover of a Red Cross Parcel sent to Sapper Alan Glass, Royal Engineers.
A bag from The NZ Red Cross Society sent to S/Sgt Percy Green, 22 Bn., for Christmas, 1942
The cover of a Red Cross box taken back to Australia by Pte Andy Anderson, 2/6 Inf. Bn., AIF.
A letter sent from The Red Cross to Bdr Tom Watson, Northumberland Hussars, thanking him for information about Gnr K. Murray, RA.
Instructions to Next-of-Kin for the preparation of Red Cross parcels to be sent to a POW. (Cpl Pat Fury, 8th Hussars)
List of typical contents of a Standard Food Parcel prepared by the Red Cross. (Dvr Bernard Cross, RASC)
redcrosslist.jpg (53520 bytes) A list showing the contents of a Red Cross parcel sent from New Zealand to Colin Ratcliffe of 19Bn, 2NZEF in November 1943.
Similar Red Cross parcel lists sent to Spr Jim Sanderson, RE, in 1944
A copy of Prisoners of War News, printed by the Scottish Branch of the British Red Cross Society, brought back by S/Sgt Percy Green, 22 Bn., 2NZEF.

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7. Repatriation

A Certificate indicating that Pte Arthur Anderson, 2/6 Inf. Bn., AIF, had been examined by a Medical Commission in October, 1944 and was deemed eligible for repatriation.
A similar Certificate concerning the repatriation of Sapper Bill Miles, RE. Bill was captured at El Alamein, spent time as a POW in Italy before being repatriated from Stalag 18A in February 1945 suffering from T.B.
The Certificate of Repatriation of Sapper Bill Miles, RE.
 A notice to ex-POWs being repatriated through Switzerland, brought back by Arthur Anderson.
S/Sgt Percy Green, 22 Bn., 2NZEF was repatriated via Sweden in 1944. This is the Menu of his first meal in Sweden.
After S/Sgt Green returned to New Zealand, he spent 6 months writing to the relatives of all the POWs left behind in various Work Camps. With each contact, he included a hand-drawn map of the location of the Work Camps.

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8. Final Days

Pte Ronald Hack (3 Commando) was given this map of Steiermark (Austria) by an Austrian schoolboy. He used it to escape from a work camp in March 1945 and make his way from near Graz to Salzburg, a distance of over 300 miles in 2 months, scavenging for food and shelter on the way. He arrived in Salzburg just as the war ended.
A small toy compass used by L/Cpl Charles Cleves, RE in his final successful escape into Yugoslavia in 1944.
lynch10.jpg (78822 bytes) A list of POW Rights printed in German and dropped from Allied aircraft to encourage German soldiers to give themselves up, brought back by Gnr John Lynch, RA.
lynch11.jpg (69922 bytes) A Safe Conduct for any German soldier who wishes to give himself up, also brought back by Gnr Lynch.
POWform.jpg (54745 bytes) A Recovered Allied POW Form issued by the Third US Army, completed by Driver William Maris on his release from Stalag 18A.
Pte Harold Potter of Victoria, Australia was flown to the UK in a Liberator bomber. He was issued with this wry list of what to do and not to touch during the flight.
Meyers 8.JPG (165801 bytes) A Repatriation Statement completed by Gunner Alfred Meyers in the UK on 29 May 1945 prior to his return to Australia. Amongst other things, this indicates that Alfred had to work 14 to 16 hours per day on a farm for the sum of 18.20 Marks per month.
The fly-leaf of a bible given to James Dolan, RAMC by Paul Juneau, the R.C. Chaplain at Stalag 18A. James Dolan was not a POW and so he must have met Paul Juneau after the war ended, possibly in Austria.
Les Shardlow, John McWilliams and Ed Reibeling, all of 2/28th Inf. Bn. Photo taken after their successful escape from Markt Pongau in 1945.
Ex-POW Identity Card issued in May 1945 at Stalag 18C, Markt Pongau to Dvr Eric Bennett, RASC.
Air Mail letter sent from Stalag 18C in May 1945 by Pte Sydney Puzey of The Green Howards, to his wife, Vi.
Carte de Repatrié issued to Jean Siviere, Sgt, 38e Rgt du Genie de Montargis
An M.I.9 Ex-POW Questionnaire completed by L/Bdr F. Orban of South Africa. It details all of his experiences as a POW in Italy and Austria. (Supplied by Chris Kemp.)
First page of an MI9 Questionnaire completed by Dvr Wilfred Gibson, RE on his return to the UK in May 1945. Many POWs completed these questionnaires.
Telegram sent by Dvr Frank Laws, RASC from Naples in May 1945 to his wife in Dorset, telling her that he was on his way home.

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