Work Camps* 11079 GW

*Two separate Work Camps had the designation 11079/GW. One camp was at Mallnitz and the other, 9 km away, at Obervellach. I have grouped the POW names and photographs together.

Known to be present

Edward Arthur Bacon Pte 2/1 Inf. Bn. 3758 Australia
J.S. Bithell Gnr RA 702  
J.T. Collingwood Gnr RA 732  
Cyril Crawford Dvr RASC 1428 also 10106/GW, Gmund Work Camp
T.C. (Taffy) Easter Pte RAVC 1294 also 10196/L
Edward Earl Good Dvr RASC 7606 captured Kalamata; also 10084/GW
C. Grouber        
E.G. Hadley Dvr RE 1253  
L.A. (Alfred) Handley Spr RE 1065 Birmingham; also Gmund Work Camp
J. Hargreaves Sgmn R Sigs 729  
Kenneth A. Hough Pte RASC 1232 Essex; transf'd to Stalag 357
G. Jamieson Spr RE 1070  
J. King Dvr RASC 1205  
George Stanford Leadbetter Dvr RASC 1236 MOC Obervellach; also 10106/GW
Chris E. Marlow Dvr RASC 1489 London
F.L. Marryat Pte   993 New Zealand
P. Millard        
G.H. Morrall Dvr RE 1230  
David Thomas O'Connor Pte   7519 New Zealand; also 11086/GW, 10084/GW
Frederick J. Origlassi Pte 2/32 Inf. Bn. 7409 Australia
Robert Oyston Tpr RAC 1291 MOC Mallnitz
R.L. Palmer Gnr RA 803  
Herbert J.G. Panther Pte   976 New Zealand; also Maltatal
Cecil George Pitcher Spr RE 1401  
George Scholes Dvr RE 1129 Esher, Surrey
M.W. Seaman Gnr RA 844  
J. Simpson        
W. Thomson        
H.W. Timms Gnr RA 878 Transf'd to Stalag 8A
S.C. White Dvr RASC 1461 London
P. Williams        
R. Williams        


G.S. Leadbetter Leadbetter & Scholes C. Crawford Obervellach group 1 Obervellach group 2

(Photographs kindly provided by Sue Lawrance, granddaughter of Cyril Crawford, Geoffrey Pitcher, son of Cecil Pitcher and Angela Ashworth, daughter of George Leadbetter. The pictures were more likely taken at Obervellach rather than Mallnitz.)

1. Mallnitz

Date of visit: 19 May 1943

Man of Confidence: Tpr Robert Oyston, RAC

Number of men: 28

General Description
This camp has never been visited before. It is situated on the Tauern railway line just outside the small resort of Mallnitz in Eastern Tyrol (about 1120 meters above sea level). The climate is healthy and the scenery rather beautiful. The POWs work in a cement factory making concrete blocks.

Interior arrangement
There are two sleeping rooms with double tier beds of the wooden type; one of the rooms holds 5 and the other 22 men. The lighting is satisfactory. Each POW has 3 blankets.

Bathing and washing facilities
The washing facilities are not quite satisfactory as there only 2 basins for the 28 men. The Delegate of the Protecting Power was told that an application for more washing bowls had already been made last October but so far none had been delivered; he then suggested that the POWs should be allowed to make their own bowls out of cement and this proposal was accepted.

Shortly before the visit of the Delegate to this camp, the POWs were allowed for the first time to have showers at the nearby railway-police barrack and they very much would like this arrangement to continue. The Camp Leader was therefore requested to arrange showers twice weekly at the police barracks and report the result of his negotiation to the Accompanying Officer until May 29th, 1943.

Toilet facilities
These are adequate but too near the sleeping quarters. It was therefore arranged that the walls of the WC should be lined with cardboard or any other material preventing odour penetrating the sleeping quarters.

Food and Cooking
The food was said to be adequate and equally so the facilities for the cooking of private food.

Medical attention and sickness
Medical attention is more or less satisfactory, the only complaint being that the POWs always have to wait such a long time until the doctor can see them. However, it was explained to them that this also applies to the civilian population as many doctors have been called up. Otherwise this arrangement works quite well, the POWs decide themselves whether they wish to see the doctor or not. Serious cases of illness are sent to the hospital at Spittal. The POWs are asking for a thermometer and the Commando Leader was asked to make an application. Dental treatment is also in the hands of this doctor and equally satisfactory.

Each man has two uniforms. Everything in order.

There does not seem to be enough wood at the disposal of the POWs for heating the boiler. The Camp Leader declared that they receive the normal ration.

Money and Pay
The POWs are paid every two weeks; they receive 70 Pfgs. a day.

There is no canteen in this camp but the POWs can buy beer. In the past the Man of Confidence has been able to go shopping in Mallnitz, but lately this has been stopped. The Commando Leader explained to the Delegate that this was due to the fact that now there was nothing to be bought in the village.

Religious activity
The POWs would welcome a visit by a padre. They were told that probably they will be visited in the near future by a padre from Stalag.

Recreation and exercise
The POWs have everything they require to play rugby, football or cricket but they have no place just at the moment to play. The Accompanying Officer promised to discuss the matter with the Kompaniefuhrer with the view that the POWs should, as they have done now and then in the past, be allowed to use the playing field of the railway police nearby.

The mail arrivals are not at all regular. It is sent to the main camp at Obervellach and from there to this camp.

Welfare work
YMCA: needles and records.

The POWs complain that their kitbags have been taken away by the German guards and that they have nowhere to put their personal belongings now. The Accompanying Officer explained that this was merely a preventative measure in view of recent escapes.

General impression
This is not a bad camp and once the facilities for sports are again granted the POWs will probably feel quite happy.

2. Obervellach

Date of visit: 19 May 1943

Type of work: digging & cement work

Man of Confidence: Dvr G.S. Leadbetter, POW 1236

Number of Men: 24

General Description

The camp is situated in the Moll valley in Eastern Tyrol with fine views of the mountain ranges. The prisoners of war occupy pleasant but overcrowded quarters, which indeed was the only complaint put forward to the Delegate of the Protecting Power.

Interior arrangement

As far as the interior arrangements are concerned, the prisoners of war had no complaint apart from the overcrowding. However, work for the transfer of several men into new quarters has already started and will be completed within the next few days. They have a large pleasant day- and dining-room and sleep in wooden double tier beds with two blankets each.

Bathing and washing facilities


Toilet facilities


Food and Cooking


Medical attention and sickness

Any sick prisoner of war goes to the local civilian doctor with whom they are very satisfied. POW Hadley, No. 1253 is at present in hospital on account of a working accident, but his condition is satisfactory.


All the men possess two uniforms.


The prisoners do their own laundry.

Money and Pay

No complaint; they receive the usual pay of 70 Rpfgs.


There is no canteen.

Religious activity

So far the POWs have not been visited by a padre and would welcome a visit. They were informed that Stalag 18A/Z is arranging this.

Recreation and exercise

The POWs have a good football field at their disposal and are generally satisfied with the existing arrangements for exercise. During summer they will be allowed to swim in the nearby river. They would welcome a fresh supply of books, needles and records from the YMCA.


The mail is coming in very poorly.

Welfare work

In order.


Apart from the overcrowding there was no complaint.

General impression

This is a good camp and the prisoners appear to be a happy crowd.

Date of visit: 19 November 1943

Number of Men: 36

The POWs had no complaints except the roof which is leaking but will be repaired the very next days as the material has already arrived. The men work for a power station and are well treated and correctly paid. This is a good camp.

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