Work Camp  59 GW

Location: Trofaiach (Quarzbergbau)

Type of work: Stone quarry

Man of Confidence: W.G. Orr (Nov. 1942), G. Davey (May 1943) 

Number of Men: 28 approx.

Known to be present

Thomas Keith Andreason Pte H.Q. 6 Div. 4866 Australia
William Angell Tpr RAC 1881 Canada
Melvin Baker Ord Smn RN 4867 South Africa
Harry Ball Pte H.Q. 6 Div. AASC 7414 Melbourne, Australia
Ted Brogden Bdr RA 5373 Oswaldtwistle, UK
George Brown Sgt A&SH 7576 Greenock; also 99/L
Edward Cass Dvr RE 5029 Isle of Wight, UK
Harry Clarke       Devon
Ernie Cromley   RE   Yorkshire
Danny Currell Cpl 2/6 Inf. Bn. 3772 Victoria, Australia; transf'd to Stalag 383
George Davey Sgt RAC 2039 London; MOC May 1943; serious accident, repat'd
Bob Doyle       Liverpool
P.J.W. (Lofty) Elford Spr RE 5174 London
Jim Ellison Gnr RA 5214 Liverpool
Stan Embling Spr RE 5132 Swindon, UK
Keith Grainger Gnr RA 5173 Notts, UK
George Hackett Dvr RE 5338 Staffs, UK
Jim Harrison Gnr RA 5134 Newcastle
Stan Hawes Gnr RA 5216 Yorkshire; transf'd to Stalag 17A
Bob Hill Pte 2/6 Inf. Bn. 3774 Victoria, Australia
D.J. (Taffy) Hughes Gnr RA 5135 Swansea, Wales
Frank Jackson Gnr RA 5133 Liverpool
John Jones       Liverpool
James Alexander McRae Spr   4937 New Zealand
John McVinnie Tpr RAC 6864  
Doug (Bull) Mepstead Pte 2/7 Inf. Bn. 3704 Victoria, Australia
J.W. (Jack) Orr L/Cpl RE 5009 Liverpool; MOC November 1942
Philip Pawsey Pte Essex 6840  
Norman A. Plant L/Bdr RA 6953  
Arthur Pope   RA   Somerset
Fred Sellers Gnr RA 5120 Yorkshire
Jim Shaw       Derby
William L. (Lofty) Shepherd Dvr RASC 5316  
Leslie Skippings Tpr RAC 6873  
David Gibson Steven Cpl A&SH 7523 Midlothian; Italy POW
Alf Varley Spr RE 5017 Yorkshire
Alfred W. (Bill) Wakeling Pte RAVC 2144 Sheffield, UK; also 924/GW
Fred N. Webster Ld Smn RN 4865 South Africa
Tick White       NSW, Australia
Gus Whitmore Dvr RA? 5034?  

Photographs and names supplied by Sue Woods, neice of Bob Hill and Chris Jenkins, grand-nephew of Ted Cass.

Bill Angell Harry Ball Ted Brogden Ted Cass
Harry Clarke Ernie Cromley George Davey Bob Doyle
Lofty Elford Jim Ellison Stan Embling Keith Grainger
George Hackett Jim Harrison Stan Hawes  Bob Hill
Taffy Hughes Frank Jackson Doug Mepstead Jack Orr
Arthur Pope Jim Shaw Alf Varley Bill Wakeling
Tick White Gus Whitmore Bill? Phil Pawsey

George Davey's Accident

The following account comes from Pte Bob Hill, 2/6 Inf. Bn. AIF as told to his neice, Sue Woods, in 2008.

"George Davey, had a dreadful accident at the quarry.  On the last load down for the day, he decided to 'ride' the truck, but the brakes failed and he was nearly killed when the truck went off the rails and he was pinned by fallen rock and the damaged truck. Another soldier & Bob hurtled down the steep slope yanking out saplings
as they went, using these in the sleeves of a Great coat as a stretcher.Those Greatcoats did have their uses!"

George's injuries were so serious that he was repatriated back to the UK. Sadly, he died soon after repatriation.

Date of visit: 13 November 1942

28 men, two in hospital.

Medical attention is rather primitive in this camp. There is no medical orderly here. A German military doctor visits the camp twice a month. At the present time there are two sick lying in bed. They are attended by the Man of Confidence. There are almost no drugs available in this camp.

The men of this camp work in a stone quarry. There were different complaints against measures taken by the Camp Commander who is a German Non-Commissioned Officer.
(1) In the evening the trousers and shoes are collected and put in a store-room to prevent escaping. When the men have been working under the rain the garments are still wet in the morning. The Accompanying Officer annulated this order.
(2) The men coming back from work at 17.45 were locked in, in the building at 18.00. Thus the sanitary installations being built outside the house could not be used and only buckets with no cover were at their disposal in the rooms where they have their meals.This measure was also immediately annulated and from now on the house will only be locked at 19.00 and the buckets will be provided with covers.
(3) No Geneva Convention was hung up in the camp; the Accompanying Officer took note to send one.
The difficulty in this camp is that the Non-Commissioned Officer who is charged with the guard does not understand English. He is also frightened by his responsibilities. This makes him harder than need be.

The prisoners of war in this camp seem to be satisfied with the condition of living in this building in spite of its simplicity. The cooking is done by two women in a special kitchen nearby and is said to be excellent.

Date of visit: 26 May 1943

General Description

No change

Interior arrangement

There is now much more room in the house the prisoners occupy and therefore no overcrowding.

Bathing and washing facilities


Toilet facilities


Food and Cooking

The food is still cooked by two civilian women and said to be good. The men ask for new eating bowls. The Lagerfuhrer stated that an application for these had already been made.

Medical attention and sickness

There is no sanitator in this camp. Dental and medical attention is in the hands of a civilian doctor who speaks English and with whom the prisoners are satisfied. Four men are wanting reading glasses and the Accompanying Officer promised to take this matter in hand himself. Furthermore an elastic knee-band is asked for; this wish will be transmitted to the Red Cross by the delegate of the Protecting Power when back in Berlin.


Not every man has two uniforms yet and a speedier supply would be much appreciated as the quarry work is using up their clothes badly.


Satisfactory. it is being done by a woman.

Money and Pay

In order.


There is a canteen at the works.

Religious activity

The prisoners have so far never been visited by a padre and would welcome a visit very much. They were informed that they may expect Cpt. Ledgerwood from Stalag in the near future.

Recreation and exercise

It is difficult for the men to play football as there is no ground at their disposal. They hope that they will be allowed to swim in the open-air bath nearby during the summer. The Accompanying Officer left word with the Kompaniefuhrer to see that such permission shall be given by the competent authorities.


Fairly regular.

Welfare work

In order.


The Man of Confidence states that they would all like a change of camp and work; when discussing this with the Accompanying Officer he said that he would talk the matter over with the respective quarters at Wolfsberg. The prisoners also ask for brushes and brooms to clean the camp and were told these would be supplied if they could be secured.

General impression

Fairly good camp.

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