Work Camp   11066 GW

Location: Hatheyer, Klagenfurt

Type of work: Woodyard/Soap factory

Man of Confidence: Gnr W.H. Soper, 5878 (1943), Pte Roy Dobson, 3628 (1944)

Number of Men: 12 - 15 (Housed at 10029/GW)

Known to be present

Hector McDonald Chandler Pte   39254 New Zealand; possible
Roy Dobson Pte 2/7 Inf. Bn. 3628 Australia; also 10029/GW
A.J. Hayward Pte 2/1 Ord. St. Co. 5727 Australia; possible
Walter D. Keast Pte 2/6 Inf. Bn. 4028 Australia; possible
John Aubrey O'Malley Pte 2/11 Inf. Bn. 5580 Australia; possible
Edward Peake Gnr RA 5887 also 10029/GW
Eric Scattergood Cpl RASC 5870 Stoke-on-Trent; possible; also 11057/GW
W.H. Soper Gnr RA 5878  
Thomas H.S. Taylor Gnr RA 5885 Stoke-on-Trent; also 11057/GW
Herbert Leonard Watson Pte   5891 New Zealand; possible

Date of visit: 24 May 1943

General Description

This camp was not inspected as the Man of Confidence described it as satisfactory. His only complaint concerned the lack of overalls for their work which is mainly the handling of soap and soda. The Camp Commander promised to look into the matter and to arrange that at least aprons should be given out.


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