Work Camp  11057GW

Location: St Ruprecht, Klagenfurt

Type of work: Leather Factory

Man of Confidence: Sgt C P H Murray, POW 4108

Number of Men: 17 men (full strength approx. 24 men)

Known to be present

George Amison Dvr RASC 3297 Stoke-on-Trent
Lew H. Arnold Pte   7514 New Zealand; also 10084/GW
E (Tanky) Barnes Tpr RAC 5274  
H or A (Al?) Bevis Dvr RASC 1347 also possibly 10029/GW
William G Blackwood Gnr RA 39924 also 11017/GW
W.D. Brooks Tpr RAC 1369 also 11017/GW
William (Billy) Copestake Dvr RASC 2979 Stoke-on-Trent
G.A. Crane Sgmn R Sigs 4799 also 11017/GW
Albert E Fox Pte RASC 2780  
H Gaber       Australia
Ralph Goodwin Pte 2NZEF 996 New Zealand
Norman F H Griffiths Gnr RA 5681 Possible
Jack  L Johnston Sgt RASC 1578 also 11017/GW
John Henry Edward Johnston Pte 1 A.C. H.Q. 3996 Australia
Mick Keacham       New Zealand
George Kemp        
Ted J. Knight Spr RE 1568  
Patrick J Mannion Sgmn R Sigs 188  
H Marsh        
Charles P H Murray Sgt   4108 New Zealand: MOC
L R  Owen(s)        
? Owen        
Edwin O'Brien Reed Pte   7559 New Zealand
R Robinson Sgmn R Sigs 3982  
Robert P G Samson Dvr RASC 1472  
Eric Scattergood Cpl RASC 5870 Stoke-on-Trent; also 11066/GW?
Albert J.C. Smith Pte 2NZEF 3570 New Zealand
Joseph Stafford L/Cpl CMP 2809 Derbyshire; also 10105/GW
Maurice G Taft Spr   374 New Zealand
Thomas H.S. Taylor Gnr RA 5885 Stoke-on-Trent; also 10029/GW, 11066/GW
Henry E Thomas Gnr RA 4687 Possible
Albert Tilling Sgmn R Sigs 3535 Ellesmere Port

In 1944, an Empire Games sports event was held at 10029/GW at Weidmannsdorf near Klagenfurt. The men from this camp participated in that meeting.

The following pictures are courtesy of Helen Amison, grand-daughter-in-law of George Amison, and Colin Scott, son of Dvr Les Scott, RASC. Most of the names shown above come from the Christmas 1943 Menu. There are a few names I cannot decipher.

gamison.jpg (6009 bytes) thomastaylor.jpg (5468 bytes)
George Amison Group with names Thomas Taylor
alberttillingport.jpg (4940 bytes) ericscattergoodport.jpg (3587 bytes) tedknightport.jpg (2952 bytes)
Albert Tilling Eric Scattergood Ted Knight
josephstaffordport.jpg (3401 bytes) robertsamsonport.jpg (3201 bytes) albertfoxport.jpg (3838 bytes)
Joseph Stafford Robert Samson Albert Fox
billycopestake.jpg (5110 bytes)
Charles Murray Jack Johnston Billy Copestake
gamisonplus2.jpg (21811 bytes) menunames1web.jpg (67644 bytes)
Christmas Menu 1943 George Amison + 2 Names from Menu

Date of visit: 24 May 1943

17 men (full strength 24 men)

The complaints of the Man of Confidence were the following:

The travelling time to and from work not being included in the working hours. According to the Camp Commander nothing can be done about this, as the same applies to the civilian workers and is based on an order of the German High Command.

Enlargement of size of compound. To this request the Camp Commander explained that an extension of the compound was out of the question.

Renewal of overalls for working. It was explained that the prisoners of war could receive the worn overalls of the German civilian workers. This solution satisfied neither the Delegate of the Protecting Power nor the Accompanying Officer.

Change of straw for beds. This was ordered at once.

Request to the YMCA for an accordion or piano.

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