Work Camp  47 GW

Location: Niklasdorf

Type of work: Paper Mill

Man of Confidence: Pte John Paull

Number of Men: 67

Known to be present

John Dennis Berry L/Cpl RE 1790 Coventry; also 924/GW
Ralph L. Brown Gnr RA 6703 Gateshead; Italy POW
Robert John (Bob) Buchan Pte 2/1 Inf. Bn. 3329 Australia; also 11041/GW, 10084/GW
Francis (Porky) Colbridge Pte RASC 1027 Hull; transf'd to Stalag 383
Ernest Darvill Gnr RA 6841 London
Lawrence Hannan Pte Bk Watch 6694  
Albert Wesley (Snowy) Hellyer Pte 2/5 Inf. Bn. 3840 also 11041/GW
David Walter Hooker Pte R Sussex 6949  
William Ion L/Cpl RE 2043 also 924/GW
Arthur Rollo Jack Pte RASC 6941  
John A. Paull Pte 2/11 Inf. Bn. 3658 MOC 5/43
Reginald William Russell L/Cpl Welch 3295 Swansea
F.H. Tebb Pte RAOC 1851 MOC 12/43; also 924/GW
Peter Trodden Gnr RA 5795 also 1107/L
Taken in front of the Fire Station for the Mill. E. Darvill 4th from left, top row  


Date of visit: 26 May 1943

General Description

There have been a great many improvements in this camp. The men no longer live in the attic but have moved into new barracks; the compound at present comprises two barracks and a washhouse.

Interior arrangement

These are now satisfactory.

Bathing and washing facilities


Toilet facilities

In order.

Food and Cooking

The prisoners take their meals at a canteen belonging to the factory; they say that the food is not as good as it used to be. For the cooking of private food they are provided with small electric ranges but would welcome a large stove in the open. The matter was discussed with the Accompanying Officer who promised to see whether a stove could be built and roofed over.

Medical attention and sickness

The medical attention is in the hands of a German doctor as well as the British Medical Officer Capt. Gunther who comes over from Arbeits-Kommando No. 924/GW, if need arises. There is still a recognised Medical Orderly in this camp.


Nearly all the men have two uniforms now but all the same, trousers are badly wanted. Also they stress the need of working overalls. When discussing this point with the Accompanying Officer, he ordered that everything should be done to procure them.


The laundry is done by the firm and the prisoners are satisfied with this arrangement.

Money and Pay

In order.


The prisoners can buy beer in the camp but have to go to Leoben for shopping though, as everywhere, there is practically nothing to be bought.

Religious activity

Capt. Ledgerwood from Wolfsberg pays regular visits to this camp.

Recreation and exercise

The men are able to play football fairly often; they have a small boxing ring, which can easily be transformed into a stage for theatrical shows, etc.


Mail arrives very regularly.

Welfare work

In order. The Man of Confidence asks for toothbrushes and towels from the YMCA.



General impression

Good camp.

Date of visit: 1 December 1943

Man of Confidence: Pte F.H. Tebb

A new barrack has been added to this camp as the complement has increased by 41 men from Italian captivity. There are now 99 British prisoners of war. The Delegate proposed to have an additional room built for recreation purposes as the space within the barbed wire is insufficient and cannot be enlarged. application for the necessary material will be made to the firm and supported by the military authorities. some minor questions were amicably settled with the local authorities. Good camp.

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