Work Camp  11041/GW

Location: Groppenstein

Type of work: Road construction

Man of Confidence: Unknown

Number of Men: 70 approx.

Known to be present

Hugh K. Anderson Pte 2/1 Inf. Bn. 3965 NSW, Australia
Luther Armitage Dvr RASC 3130  
Alfred Atkinson Pte   4159 New Zealand
Henry Francis (Snowy) Ballard Gnr 2/2 Fld. Rgt. 3702 Australia
Ediss John Bascombe Pte 2/6 Inf. Bn. 68 Australia; also 980/GW
Norman David Beattie Gnr 2/1 M.G. Bn. 1454 Brisbane, Australia
Bob Behan Pte 2/2 Inf. Bn. 3790 Australia
Arthur G. Bell Pte H.Q. 6 Div. AASC 3796 Australia
George Albert Bennett Pte 2/7 Inf. Bn. 3398 Australia
Jim Bennett        
Eric Black Pte 6 Div. AASC 220 Australia; shot 8.11.43 (after escape)
Ken A. Blakey Pte 21 Bn. 4140 New Zealand (beaten by guard)
Albert Tony Bowden Spr RE 398 Castleford, UK
N.L. (Nick) Brady Pte 19 Bn. 478 New Zealand; also 11086/GW10084/GW
R.J. (Bob) Buchan Pte 2/1 Inf. Bn. 3329 Australia; also 10084/GW, 47/GW
Jack Byard Gnr 2/1 Fd. Rg. 3389 Australia; also 10487/GW
Ken D. Cameron Pte 2/2 Inf. Bn. 3838 Australia
Don Christie Pte 2/6 Inf. Bn. 3670 Australia; also 10084/GW
Fred Cowley Pte H.Q. Gd. Bn. 6 Div. 3725 Australia
E. Cox       Nottingham
Frank Cox     3332 Victoria, Australia; repat'd 1944
E.J. (Jack) Dixon Pte 2/48 Inf. Bn. 3557 Australia; also 10084/GW
W.H. (Wally) Dominey Dvr RASC 3406  
Laurie Dunn        
F.N. Etchells Gnr RA 2432  
P.W. Evans Sgmn R Sigs 2699 Canterbury, UK
F.C. (Butch) George Pte 6 Div. AASC 1439 Australia
Percy Green St/Sgt 22 Bn. 4148 New Zealand; wounded Crete; repat'd 1944; also 11086/GW, 10084/GW
Bernie J. Groom Pte 2/6 Inf. Bn. 3728 Australia; also 10084/GW
Ernie Gunter        
William George Hair Cpl RASC 7255 Leytonstone
Les T. Halliwell Dvr RASC 3239
Dave Hamilton Gnr   4197 New Zealand
W.J. (Bill) Hannan     7232 also 10084/GW
Alf Hansen Pte 2/6 Inf. Bn. 3727 Australia
A.W. (Snowy) Hellyer Pte 2/5 Inf. Bn. 3840 Australia
Noel Vincent Hemmingson Pte   4226 New Zealand
Harold E. Heslop Pte 2/8 Inf. Bn. 1506 Australia
Snowy Humphries        
B.G. (Yorkie) Hutchings Pte RASC 7279 also 10084/GW
H.F. Hyde Dvr RASC 3259  
Ray Irwin Pte   7269 New Zealand
Reg Kett L/Cpl H.Q. 6 Div AASC 3848 Australia
Ben Large        
John Wilfrid Leonard Pte DLI 586 Blyth, Northumberland
Sam Lightfoot        
Alf Littlejohn Pte 2/6 Inf. Bn. 3767 Australia; also 10084/GW
Robert Loseby Rfmn KRRC 3182 Liverpool
James A. Nash Dvr RASC 3255  
Snowy Nielsen        
Steve Oliver        
Rod H. Page Pte 2/48 Inf. Bn. 3312 Australia
E.J. Plato Pte   4171 New Zealand
Peter Puohotaua T/L/Cpl   4149 New Zealand
? Rawlinson        
F.W. Rodgers Spr RE 2915  
Maurice Sheerin       also 10084/GW
Baldy Sheppard        
John Shergold        
George Snell        
John Charles Edward Spence Pte 2/4 Inf. Bn. 3830 Australia
William Henry Sutton Dvr RASC 2102 Feltham, Middlesex, UK; also 10134/GW
John Henry Thacker Tpr Div. Cav. 4245 New Zealand
Charlie Thollar Pte 2/6 Inf. Bn. 3503 Australia; also 10084/GW
W. (Bill) Thomson       New Zealand
? Walker       New Zealand
H. Walmsley Pte 2/2 Inf. Bn. 3280 Australia
? Watkins        
Joe Wishart Pte 2/6 Inf. Bn. 5935 Australia; also 955/GW
F.J. Woods       Great Yarmouth, UK
Bob (D.McL?) Yeats L/Cpl RE 1739 also 11086/GW
William Hair        


The assault on Ken Blakey

In the summer of 1942, Pte Ken Blakey of New Zealand took part in an escape from Groppenstein but was quickly recaptured. On his return to the Work Camp, he was locked in a coal cellar for two days and then threatened with a pistol by the Camp Commandant. He was then beaten about the head by a guard until unconscious. Once he recovered, he was returned to the camp where his condition was witnessed by Pte Norman Beattie of Australia. The documents below are the testimony of Pte Beattie, given after the war as part of a War Crimes investigation.


Thanks to Lance Green, Liz Crossley, Laurie Cox, Robyn Ranginui, David Kingsland, Greg Armitage, Denise Lynn-Nicholson and Ian Dobson for the information.

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