Work Camp  522 L

Location: Oberwart

Type of work: Farmwork

Man of Confidence: Unknown

Number of Men: Approx 30

Known to be present

R Ballentine Dvr RASC 8225  Manchester; also 223/L
Ernest Bearcroft Cfmn REME 6949 Middlesborough; (possible)
Gilbert Bell Pte RAOC 5961  Gateshead; also 2018/L
Joseph Black       Glos. UK
Stuart H. Blofeld Tpr RAC 5805 Birmingham; also 223/L
Jack Booth Dvr RASC 5593  
W.J. Brewer       Kent; (possible)
Cyril  Brown        
James Henry Burnham Dvr RASC   died 5.12.42 (possible)
Patrick H Cairns Tpr RAC 5391 Stockton-on-Tees; (possible)
J Clark       Glos; (possible)
Herbert Collier Tpr RAC 5322 Oldham; (possible)
Robert T Connors Sgt 2/2 Inf. Bn. 7109 Sydney, Austria; (possible)
Fred ( 'Jeep') Coulter Bdsm RAC 5846  Lincolnshire; also 99/L
R.E. Crisp Cpl RASC 7820 Aldershot (possible)
George Dick Tpr RAC 5633 Northumberland
Bob J Divehall Gnr   7220 New Zealand
Andrew Falcolner Dvr RASC 5548 Peebles
Ron Harvey Dvr RASC 6999 Middlesex; also 99/L
Eric ('Essen') Hipkiss Dvr RASC 5723 Birmingham; also 223/L
S ('Pop') Hibbard L/Bdr RA 5671 Sheffield 
Frank G. Howells Pte RAOC 5639  
H.F.G. Jackson Tpr RAC 1250 Manchester
William Johnson Gnr RA 5562 Worcester
Thomas L ('Taffy') Jones Dvr RASC 5597 Glamorgan
Thomas Kirkwood Tpr RAC 7835 Glasgow; (possible)
Fred Laughton Marine R Marines 6151 West Hartlepool
N.F. Leeds Cfmn REME 5668 Margate
B McDonald       Epsom, UK
A Merrills Spr RE 5659 Lincs.
Thomas Francis Morrissy Pte 2/6 Inf. Bn. 5154 Victoria, Australia; also 223/L
J Nichols Dvr RASC 3932 Waikato, NZ; (possible)
Alec ('Slim') Pearson Pte RAOC 5967 Manchester
Stan Prout Sgt R Marines 5880 trans. Stal 383; also 223/L
J.A. Radford Tpr RAC 5735 Notts; 3RTR; (possible)
William Read Tpr   4041 New Zealand
J Robertson       London; (possible)
Luke Robson Dvr RASC 5831 Co Durham; also 223/L
Robert Rowan Cfmn REME 7542 Belfast
J.E. Selfridge Tpr RAC 5645 Fife; (possible)
Edward G. Smith SQMS RASC 7819 London
Joseph B Smith Marine R Marines 6317 Kent; (possible)
James Staley L/Cpl RASC   died 19.12.43
T Swinlock       Co. Durham; (possible)
H. (Jumie) Te Rore Pte   4540 New Zealand
A.D. Thompson A/Sgt 2/6 Inf. Bn. 5152 Australia; trans 383
W.D.R. (Ron) Tudor Sgt R Sigs 7577 Birkenhead; also 99/L
S.J. Williams   RASC   Portsmouth; (possible)
Jack Carter Wilson       London; (possible)

There must have been close connections between this Work Camp at Oberwart and 99/L at Bernstein, where my father was held. (Bernstein and Oberwart are only a few miles apart.) The two photo montages are in the same style as one in my possession brought back from Bernstein by my father. Fred Coulter and Frank Hardy also appear in photographs from Bernstein. Similar montages can be seen at 148/GW.

Some of the men in this Work Camp were transferred from another nearby camp: 223/L at Eisenzicken, sometime in 1942.

pow0003.JPG (47523 bytes) pow0002.JPG (48770 bytes) pow0004.JPG (53272 bytes)
Christmas montage Large Group Christmas montage 
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Alex 'Slim' Pearson  Gilbert Bell S 'Pop' Hibbard 
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Group Merrills, Coulter, Leeds Group in snow
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Eric 'Essen' Hipkiss Christmas 1943 Thomas 'Taffy' Jones
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Frank Hardy? Unknown Unknown
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Unknown Read, Te Rore, Divehall Unknown
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Falconer & Johnson Large Group Ernie
yeeking01.jpg (42995 bytes) yeeking02.jpg (26144 bytes) yeeking03.jpg (25633 bytes)
Joe Black? + unknown George Dick 2 unknowns
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Unknown A.D. Thompson? Unknown boxers
James Staley Grave of James Staley Patrick Cairns
Jack Carter Wilson   Jack Booth group

Many thanks to Jack Booth, son of Jack Booth, Linda Watson, daughter of Gilbert Bell, Pamela Cox, daughter of Thomas Hawksworth, Graham Yee-King, whose wife's grandfather was Taffy Jones,  and Vanessa Hicking, daughter of Sgt Ron Tudor (of Work Party 99/L) for the photographs and the information.

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