Death in Stalag 18A

Padre John Ledgerwood at the grave of Richmond Gerrard
in Wolfsberg Cemetery

For one reason or another, be it wounds, accident or disease, men died in the camp and were buried. I have not been able to discover the location of all of the graves shown in the following pictures but it was certainly a long way from home.

The following list is of those POWs who I am almost certain were attached to Stalag 18A when they died. It is as complete as I can make it at the moment. Those POWs who died on 18.12.44 were all killed in the mistaken USAF air raid.

Hugh Miles William Adams Pte 20 Bn. 35 8.12.43 (pneumonia)
Roy Eric Adamson Pte 2/3 Inf. bn. 39 1.2.45 (Allied bomb)
Wilfred Alderson RSM E Yorks 40 18.7.44
George Stanley Allaway Gnr RA 29 30.11.43
Frederick Arber Gnr RA 37 30.1.45
Charles Frederick Armistead S/Sgt RAOC 30 11.9.41
Hugh Watson Arthur Pte 18 Bn. 30 17.1.42
Bruce Vincent Ashe Sgmn NZ Sigs 23 12.3.44
Alan Baker Gnr RA 359 15.7.46
Dennis Percival Beaton Dvr RE   capt'd Crete; killed air-raid 20.12.44; Klagenfurt Cemetery
Ernest John Beckham Marine RM 44 6.5.45
Albert Charles Bedford Gnr RA 24 12.4.44
Louis Berkovitch Rfmn Rifle Bde. 25 22.2.45
George Binnie Pte 21 Bn. 32 19.7.41
William Edward Bishop Pte Worcs. 32 4.7.44
Eric Black Pte 6 Div. AASC   8.11.43; shot after escape 11041/GW
Cecil Graham Boakes Dvr RASC 33 24.3.45
Robert Bloomfield Pte 2/4 Inf. Bn.   10.5.45; killed accidentally
Colin Cameron Brodie Sgmn R Sigs 25 18.5.43; 10030/GW, 10911/GW (fell from railway wagon, run over)
Alva Telford Brown Pte NZMC 24 21.8.41
Eric George Brown Pte RAVC 31 13.11.42
John Peter Brown Gnr RA 23 3.12.41 (original burial)
Oswald Henry Brown Pte AA Post. Serv. 30 6 or 7.3.42 (shot by guards, Graz)
Stanley Burbage Cpl DLI 26 18.1.44
James Henry Burnham Dvr RASC 31 5.12.42; buried Rotenturm; 522/L?
Alexander Thomson Burns Cfmn REME 24 16.6.44
Charles William Burns Pte RAVC 30 6.5.45
James Frederick Cavanagh Sgmn R Sigs 27 30.3.45
John Frederick Chorley Pte SWB 28 15.5.44
Michael R. Cister (Cyster) Galley Boy MV Eleonora Maersk   6.2.44 (Klagenfurt air-raid 16.1.44)
John Lawrence Clarke Dvr RASC 27 19.2.42
John William Clarke Gnr RA   10.9.41
Donald Hugh James Cleland Spr RE 25 11.10.41
David Clement Cpl RASC 35 12.4.42
Francis John Charles Coatsworth Pte 20 Bn. 22 10.8.42
Dowling B. Deacon Lt 143 Inf. Rg.   10.43  shot by German guard
Eric Frederick Deacon Pte Ox & Bucks 29 8.12.44
John Cornelius Stephen Dowson Pte B&H 21 23.8.44
Frank John Dudley Pte N'hamp. 34 3.1.44
Arthur Duggan Dvr RASC 41 12.5.42 (11017/GW)
Alan Ernest Eason Pte 1 Cps. Tp. Supp. Clmn. 27 19.2.45 (killed in air-raid) 10029/GW
Cornelis Petrus Ebben Soldaat   38 18.12.44
Colin Green Field Gnr SAA 29 10.11.43
John Sylvester Flynn Pte H.Q. 6 Div. AASC 24 5.2.42
John Forsyth Cpl Bk. Watch 26 18.4.45
Henry Thomas French Pte RAVC 33 19.2.45; killed in air-raid 10029/GW
Cecil Wilfred Furby L/Cpl 2/1 Fld. Eng. Coy. 31 18.12.43
Frederick Geoffrey Galliers Marine RM   1.9.41
Allan Gardner Pte RAOC 5890 11.5.42; buried Belgrade CWGC
James Leonard Garner Dvr RASC 23 16.1.43
Richmond Gerrard Pte 28th Bn. NZ 23 25.3.42
William Jefferson Gilbert Sgmn Aust. Cps. Sigs. 25 19.2.45; killed in air-raid 10029/GW
Leslie James Howard Gladwell Dvr RASC 35 19.2.45; killed in air-raid 10029/GW
Cecil John Grace Dvr RASC 40 28.5.43
Alan Hugh Graham Gnr RA 29 12.12.43
James Henry Gray Pte 24 Bn.   13.7.41
John Henry Gray Sgt RA 28 1.7.41
Charles Thomas Green Pte 24 Bn. 28 9.12.41; accident 10030/GW
Eric Charles Green Gnr 2/1 Fld. Rgt. 27 19.2.45; killed in air-raid 10029/GW
William Alfred Griffin Pte 21 Bn.   15.2.44
Noel Thomas James Haines Marine RM   16.10.41
Alistair Clancy Harrison Pte 2/43 Inf. Bn. 24 7.2.44
Clifford Harrison Dvr RASC 37 9.12.41
James William Hayes Pte RAVC 43 16.10.44
Cyril Horace Hearn Spr RE 22 13.4.42
Alfred Stanley Hedges Dvr AASC 28 14.3.45 (air-raid); 10030/GW
Leonard John Henniker SQMS RASC 28 27.10.41
John Highton Spr RE 34 19.2.45; 10029/GW?
 Joseph Charles Hobling Chaplain RACD 36 18.12.44
William Holt Stoker RN (HMS Saracen) ? 1.3.44 (Pneumonia, 18C)
Robert James Finlay Howe Capt RAMC ? 18.12.44
Walter Hubbard Spr RE 23 27.12.43
Harold William Hutchinson Pte 21 Bn. ? 30.10.44
Daniel John Jones Gnr RA 24 16.12.44 (Rheumatic fever, 18A/Z)
Jimmy Tuhura Jones   28 Bn.    
Victor Cyril Jones L/Cpl RE 24 24.9.41
Maxwell Kenneth Kearney Pte H.Q. 17 Bde. 28 6 or 7.3.42 (shot by guard)
Frederick James Keast Pte RASC 25 29.4.43
William Fleming Keeling Pte A&SH 27 2.2.44
Jan Kollen Soldaat     18.12.44
Harold John N. Knight Pte RASC 21 30.6.41
Allan Judd Lamb Pte NZMC 22 29.8.41
Thomas Henderson Langley Dvr RASC 29 8.7.41
Frederick George Lee Cpl RAMC 26 18.12.44
Albert Leonard Lowe Spr RE 22 11.11.42
Allan McLean Lowther Spr NZ Eng. 32 12.7.43
Victor Clive Makepeace Pte 2/4 Inf. Bn. 22 17.2.42
Roy Jesse Manktelow Pte RASC 38 7.5.42
Alexander Leslie Mansfield Pte 2/1 Inf. Bn.   15.4.45 (shot by guard)
John Marsh Spr RE 28 1.3.45
Sydney Percival Martin Pte H.Q. 6 Div.AASC 30 18.12.44
John Sydney McGeorge Dvr RASC 29 18.12.44
Crawford McKay Capt RE 30 11.11.44
Ronald John McLennan Pte 19 Bn. 34 27.3.42
Thomas Vernon McOrmond Pte 2/12 Inf. Bn. 26 18.12.44
Reginald Harry Miller Pte Essex 27 30.11.43
Douglas Mitchell Pte RAVC 29 16.10.44
William Moore Tpr RAC 27 26.4.45
David Glyndwr Morgan Spr RE 24 16.9.41
John Maxwell Mouna L/Sgt RA ? 12.9.44 (original burial)
Joseph John James Mullin Sgt RA ? 17.10.41
James J. Nash       29.10.43
Alfred Thomas New L/Cpl 21 Bn. 28 8.1.44
Daniel Joseph Nolan Gnr RA 31 18.12.44
James Edward Francis Ord Cpl RAC 27 4.9.42
Rufus Parent Pte Essex Scot. Rg. RCIC 31 25.10.43 (original burial)
Douglas George Payne Marine RM 24 18.5.42
Robert Anderson Pedley Pte 25 Bn.   1.4.45
William Peter Cook Indian GSC 48 6.11.43
Alfred Hector Peterson Pte 22 Bn. 23 3.12.42; shot by sentry at 2056/L
Peter Douglas Henry Pierson L/Bdr RA 23 19.10.42
Edwin Freeman Prosser Dvr RASC 42 15.11.43
Eric Alban Reid Pte 21 Bn. 34 21.10.41
Albert Reynolds Pte 2/11 Inf. Bn. 34 18.12.44
Ronald Ernest Richardson Cpl RASC 23 5.8.41
Eric Andrew Riddell Bdr NZ Arty. 29 19.7.41
Melita Joseph (Joe) Riddell Sgmn NZ Sigs 33 12.12.44; 10030/GW
Frederick Robinson L/Cpl North. Fus. ? 15.4.44
Charles Rodgers Pte 2/6 Inf. Bn. 43 8.3.44; influenza
Albert Rodgers Gnr RA 25 15.5.44; hit by stone during blasting
Thomas William Rolph Gnr RA 25 2.5.44; 10487/GW?
Cyril Rowson L/Cpl RAC ? 24.7.41
Nkosi Sekulome Pte Native Mil. Cps. SA 40 2.10.43 (S. Nkosi on headstone)
George Thomas Seppings Pte 2/6 Inf. Bn. 39 28.5.44
Arthur Frederick Shipley Sgt RAOC 27 18.12.44
Jack Stephen Shoveller Gnr 3 A/Tk. Rg. 27 18.4.45 (poisoning after swallowing ring)
Thomas George Sivers CSM Buffs ? 29.10.44
Euan George Smith L/Cpl NZ Eng. 29 4.1.43
James Staley L/Cpl RASC 30 19.12.43; 522/L
William Frank Stanford Dvr RASC 28 30.9.41; 10084/GW
Alfred Leslie Steele Pte NZ MG Cps. 37 10.10.41
Sydney Arthur Stephens L/Cpl N'hamp. 26 13.1.45
Anthony Strettles Sgmn Aust. Sigs. 28 27.2.43 (skull fracture); 13048/L
Walter Herbert Suckling Tpr RAC 35 19.2.44 (see below)
Bernard Sullivan Pte A&SH 34 21.3.45
John Daniel Mackenzie Sutherland Pte Seaf. H. 24 11.12.44
Thomas Tait L/Sgt RA 24 22.12.44
Malcolm Neil Talbot Pte 2/6 Inf. Bn. ? 15.2.45
Sidney Taylor Pte N'hamp. 21 28.8.44
Bert Edward Thatcher Tpr RAC   9.2.45; air-raid on 107/GW
Douglas William Thompson Pte Foresters   24.5.44; killed by bomb on farm
Ernest Trick L/Cpl CMP 37 1.12.43
John Dermot Troy Pte 25 Bn. 24 14.5.42; shot at 6/L
William Garfield Vellenoweth Pte 25 Bn. 36 10.4.44 (see below)
Pieter Johan Verhulst Sgt     18.12.44
Harlock George Warren Spr RE 26 13.10.41
Alfred Wellock Gnr RA   14.3.43
William Green Whyte Dvr RASC 32 28.9.41 (wounds)
Samson Wines L/Sgt RA 33 13.5.45 (murdered)
Henk Wolf Sgt   26 18.12.44
Samuel English Wolfenden Pte NZMC 21.8.41
David Frew Wood Capt RAMC 37 18.12.44
Henry Wood Pte Ches. 36 8.11.44
Reginald E. Wright Gnr 2/1 Fd. Rgt. 40 22.11.41

Klagenfurt War Cemetery

If a POW died whilst in a Work Camp, he was usually buried in the local cemetery. After the war, all of these men were reinterred in Klagenfurt War Cemetery. On a beautiful day in early June, 2011, my wife Carole and I visited the cemetery. It is surrounded on three sides by low-rise housing and can be quite tricky to find. Like all Commonwealth War Graves cemeteries, it is immaculately kept and a credit to the gardener, who we met briefly. A melancholy place but also beautiful and peaceful. Whilst we were there I took a photo of every gravestone which I believed was connected to Stalag 18A. I will eventually connect these photos to the names listed above but, until I can do that, if you would like a copy of any gravestone, please email me.


The photograph below was supplied by Dale Jackson, nephew to Tom McOrmond.

Pte T.V. McOrmond, Tasmania


It is possible that the two photographs below are of the preparation of Klagenfurt War Cemetery. Francis Coatsworth and Roy Manktelow are buried in adjacent graves in the cemetery, 2C5 and 2C6.

Photos supplied by Jennifer Curtis, daughter of Harry Adams of the Royal Marines, one-time POW 6569, via Ian Jardine.

 Wolfsberg Cemetery

The following photographs were taken in June 2011. The cemetery is little changed from the time when POWs from Stalag 18A were buried here.

wolfcem01.jpg (34340 bytes) wolfcem02.jpg (59872 bytes) wolfcem03.jpg (43736 bytes)

Michael Moore has sent me this sequence of photographs of an unknown funeral, or possibly a Remembrance Day ceremony. The camp is very likely 10029/GW at Weidmannsdorf.

moore42.jpg (15145 bytes) moore43.jpg (21518 bytes) moore44.jpg (27398 bytes)


ANZAC Day, 25 April 1944

Giselle McAndrew  and Barry Morley have sent me the following set of photographs from the ANZAC Day service from Stalag 18A/Z in 1944. Several of the graves are of POWs who died in late 1943.

mcandrew07.jpg (23375 bytes)
mcandrew05.jpg (36752 bytes) mcandrew08.jpg (27354 bytes)
mcandrew06.jpg (28838 bytes)
Dowling Deacon Edward Prosser William Peter
Nkosi Sekulome Green Field James Nash
Hugh Adams   Walter Suckling

French POW

Chantal Tinader, daughter of Leon Tinader, a French POW, has sent me these three photographs of a French POW's funeral which were taken at Stalag 18A and Wolfsberg Cemetery.

US Airman

Ian Fraser, son of L/Cpl R.E. Fraser, RASC, has sent me the following sequence of photographs of the funeral of an unknown US airman who was shot down near to Work Camp 199/GW.


9 US Airmen

Christine King, daughter of Sgmn John Bell, has sent this photo marking the grave of nine American aircrew, shot down somewhere near Work Camp 561/L. The date on the marker is 5 November 1943.

Gnr T.W. Rolph

Val Shergold, daughter of Sgmn Roy Shergold, and David Payne, son of Gnr Albert Payne have sent me these photographs of the grave of Gnr T.W. Rolph, RA. They may have been taken near to Work Camp 10487/GW. Gnr Rolph's grave is now in Klagenfurt War Cemetery.

Dvr James Burnham

Vanessa Hicking, daughter of Sgt Ron Tudor, Royal Signals, has sent me these two photographs which could both relate to the funeral of James Burnham, Dvr, RASC. The photograph of the POWs carrying the coffin is entitled 'The funeral of Jimmy Burnham, Rotenturm, December 1942'. The photograph of the open coffin could also be of James Burnham.This particular Rotenturm appears to be near Oberwart, so James Burnham may have been part of Work Party 522/L.

Pte William Vellenoweth

Errol Vellenoweth has sent the following photo of the grave of his father, Pte William Vellenoweth, 25 Bn. 2NZEF, who died in April 1944. The photo and an accompanying letter were sent to Mrs Vellenoweth by Padre John Ledgerwood.  William Vellenoweth's grave is now in Klagenfurt War Cemetery.

Pte Rufus Parent

Rufus Parent of Windsor, Ontario, Canada was in the Essex Scottish Regiment. Taken prisoner on 19 August 1942 at Dieppe, he died on 25 October 1943 at Stalag 18A, aged 31. The photograph shows his original burial. His grave is now in Klagenfurt War Cemetery.

Pte William Keeling

William Keeling of the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders died on 2 February 1944, aged 27. The photograph shows his original burial. His grave is now in Klagenfurt War Cemetery.

Spr Cyril Hearn

Cyril Hearn, a Sapper in the Royal Enginneers, died on 13 April 1942, aged 22. The photograph shows his original burial in Wolfsberg cemetery. His grave is now in Klagenfurt War Cemetery. Thanks to Ian Dobson for the photo

Pte Samuel Wolfenden

Samuel Wolfenden, a Private in the NZMC died on 24 August 1941.  The photograph shows his original burial in Wolfsberg cemetery with Padre John Ledgerwood in attendance.. His grave is now in Klagenfurt War Cemetery. Thanks to Ian Dobson for the photo

L/Bdr Peter Pierson

Peter Pierson, a Lance Bombardier in the Royal Artillery, died on 19 October 1942, aged 23. The photograph shows his original burial in Wolfsberg cemetery. His grave is now in Klagenfurt War Cemetery. Thanks to Ian Dobson for the photo

Julie Turnbull, granddaughter of Jack Heckells and Tim Mudge, son of Jack Mudge, have sent the following photos of an unknown burial. It looks like Padre Ledgerwood leading the service. It is possible that this is one of several funerals following the mistaken air-raid on camp 10029/GW

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